December 22, 2022
Good evening Town of Center Community,
Well the storm is here and going to ramp up over night. So if possible please stay in. Our driver David was out most of the day and will be going back out for a little bit this evening. Then he will be going home for the night to get some rest. One of our new employees started today and is doing really well. Had a little tuff luck this morning with a broken ball joint on our town pickup but after working at getting it torn apart he’s at getting put back together. I am feeling very very lucky that Logan applied for our opening. Logan and David both are very diverse in the mechanical field. Hopefully our 3rd part timer will be starting soon. I am super excited about the town’s future. Lastly thank to the Outagamie county highway department for keeping there dedicated part of the town open and Kurt’s services for lending us a hand tonight with Meadow Lane. Please stay home if possible and be safe.
Thank you,
Tom Brown – Public Works Director
Tom Brown
Public Works Director
December 16, 2022
Good evening everyone,
Just a quick update on the first official heavy snowfall. “Mailboxes” we received a few calls and Facebook messages about mailboxes being knocked down. The policy is that if the box is actually hit by the plow the town our county will put it back up. If the snow takes it down it will fall on the home owner to repair it on their own. Keep in mind when the snow takes them off it’s because of few reasons.
1. plow driver may have been going a bit to fast
2.the same mailbox has been in the same spot for the past 90 years and has been holding on by a thread for the last 50 years lol!!
3. go out and inspect your downed mailbox before you make the call. It maybe as easy as sliding it back together.
The plow drivers are out early in the morning and usually ends up being a very long day. I did this for 20 years at the Outagamie Cty Highway and it’s not easy maneuvering around in some of these places that they need to get into. They are trying to do their best. Like many employers they are a few people short of filling the seats of the plows and it’s taking a little longer to get the roads opened up. So if you see your plow driver through them a wave and not your shovel please. If they do get your mailbox it wasn’t intentional and I can say this from personal experience. Call or message me if you need anything.
Thank you everyone,
Tom Brown
Public Works Director
December 10, 2022
Good afternoon Town of Center residents,
The first step of the Autumn Hills drainage project has been completed at the lowest point of the Autumn Hills subdivision. At this intersection in the spring of the year water would run over the road and freeze creating an ice rink. By adding this second culvert it should take a lot more water and get it going to the detention pond where it is intended to go. We also had the inlet and outlets to the detention pond cleared so the water can disburse as it’s designed to do. Thank you Kurt’s Services for a job well done. Any questions please feel free to reach to me.
Thank you.
Tom Brown
Public Works Director

November 25, 2022
Hello again Town of Center Residents,
Many of you are well aware of the several drainage issues the residents have in our township. Myself and the board are working hard on putting plans together to start solving some of these issues. Many of you that I have talked to have been great at understanding that fixing these issues are not going to happen over night. As a matter of fact it’s going to take time and a pile of money. The Board along with an engineering firm and the residents in these very troubled areas have been working together to find the right resolutions for these problems. I am posting some photos one of the areas that was worked on this last week. North side of Center Valley Rd between Cty Rd A and the Rail Road Tracks. Thank you Kurt’s services for a job well done.