Garbage & Recycling

Refuse and Recycling Pickup

Harter’s Fox Valley Disposal has the contract for town-wide collection of all household garbage and recyclables.  Garbage will be collected once a week on Mondays in areas east of State Road 47 and on Fridays in the areas west of State Road 47.  Recyclables will be collected every other week, on the same day as garbage collection.  Please have garbage and recycling carts at the curb by 6:00 a.m. on the day of collection.  Per Town Ordinance, Chapter 7, no containers may be placed in front of the property more than 12 hours before collection date and shall be removed within 12 hours after collection date.  If you have any questions or problems, please call Harter’s FV Disposal at 1-888-804-8556 or (715) 253-2619.

2023 Holiday Pickup

Memorial Day week - Monday’s pickup will be on Tuesday, Friday’s pickup will be on Saturday.

4th of July week - Monday no change, Friday’s pickup will be on Saturday.

Labor Day week - Monday’s pickup will be on Tuesday, Friday’s pickup will be on Saturday.

Thanksgiving week - Monday no change, Friday’s pickup will be on Saturday.

Christmas week - Monday’s pickup will be on Tuesday, Friday’s pickup will be on Saturday.

Garbage Collection Rules and Policies

These items will not be collected:  building demolition material, construction debris, yard waste, tires, lead acid batteries, toxic, hazardous or flammable wastes, waste oil, hot ashes or asphalt shingles.  Large household items (sofas, chairs, televisions, refrigerators, household appliances, etc) are collected on the alternating Tuesdays of each month.  YOU MUST CONTACT HARTER’S FOR PRICING AND TO GET ON THE PICKUP LIST.   1-888-804-8556

NOTE: Outagamie County Recycling & Solid Waste can also help you properly dispose of items that Harter’s will not pick up.  Hours are M-F, 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and every Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.  For information and prices, please call (920) 832-5277.

2022 Hazardous Waste Collections

Residents are encouraged to dispose of hazardous materials, by appointment only, at hazardous waste collections held at Outagamie County Recycling & Solid Waste.

Appointments are required for ALL collection dates!  Call (920) 832-5277 or on-line at

Program runs May – October   

Wednesday, May 18 Saturday, May 21
Wednesday, June 22 Saturday, June 25
Wednesday, July 20 Saturday, July 23
Wednesday, August 17 Saturday, August 20
Wednesday, September 14 Saturday, September 17
Wednesday, October 12 Saturday, October 15


If residents  are unable to attend a scheduled collection date and time, Outagamie County residents may utilize the Brown County permanent facility.


Brown County Hazardous Waste Facility
2561 S Broadway Drive
Ashwaubenon, WI

Thursday: 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
(920) 492-4950

Annual Recycling Guide

Outagamie County Recycling and Solid Waste information is available at or you can call (920) 968-5721 or e-mail

Electronics Recycling

The following electronics must be recycled per State law:

  • TVs & video display devices
  • Monitors
  • Computers
  • Fax/Scanner/Printer
  • DVD or VCR players
  • Cell Phones

For a full list of electronic collectors visit the Wisconsin DNR website at:

Proper Sharps/Needle Disposal

For the safety of the recycling and landfill staff, all needles, lancets and syringes must be properly disposed of and NOT placed in the garbage or recycling.  Wisconsin law requires all citizens to manage these sharps safely.  For more information visit Outagamie County Public Health at


Medication Drop Off

Residents have the opportunity to dispose of unused and unwanted pet and human medications at many locations.

Click here for program guidelines and locations.

Compost Bins for Sale

Compost bins are available for purchase at Mosquito Hill Nature Center, N3880 Rogers Road, New London, WI 54961, (920) 779-6433.